Tis the Season to Be Cautious: Foods to Avoid Giving Your Pet During the Holidays


Tis the Season to Be Cautious: Foods to Avoid Giving Your Pet During the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches, the warmth of festive gatherings and delicious meals fills the air. For many, this time of year is synonymous with indulging in a variety of delectable treats. It’s only natural to want to share the joy with our furry friends, but before you slip a piece of that holiday feast under the table, consider the potential risks to your pet’s health.

The Holiday Temptation

It’s a scene familiar to many pet owners—the pleading eyes of your beloved companion as you savor a mouthwatering holiday meal. While the urge to share the joy with your pet is understandable, it’s crucial to be aware of the harmful effects certain human foods can have on them.

The Naughty List - Foods To Avoid Giving Your Pet This Holiday Season

The sweet delight that tops many holiday dessert tables is a grave danger to pets. Chocolate contains theobromine, a stimulant that, when ingested by pets, can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, increased heart rate, and even seizures.


It might seem natural to toss your pet a bone after finishing a holiday feast, but bones can splinter and cause severe damage to the digestive tract. Poultry bones are particularly hazardous, as they can break into sharp fragments.


Onions and Garlic:
These aromatic additions to many holiday dishes contain compounds that can cause damage to a pet’s red blood cells, leading to anemia. Whether raw, cooked, or in powdered form, it’s best to keep onions and garlic away from your furry friends.


The merriment of the season may include a glass of wine or a festive cocktail, but alcohol is toxic to pets. Even a small amount can cause lethargy, coordination problems, and in severe cases, respiratory failure.


Many holiday recipes feature nuts, but some varieties, like macadamia nuts, can be toxic to pets. Ingestion can lead to weakness, vomiting, and elevated body temperature.


Grapes and Raisins:
While a popular snack, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in pets. Even small amounts can be harmful, leading to symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, and decreased appetite.


This sugar substitute is commonly found in sugar-free gum, baked goods, and candy. Ingestion can lead to a rapid release of insulin, resulting in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Symptoms include seizures and loss of coordination.


Prioritize Your Pets Safety & Health This Holiday Season: Book An Appointment at Henderson Animal Hospital in Winnipeg Today!

As we bask in the holiday spirit, let’s prioritize the safety and happiness of our cherished companions. Being mindful of potential hazards in festive treats ensures that our pets can partake in the joy without compromising their well-being. Remember, the greatest gift we can give our pets is a secure and happy holiday season. If you observe any concerning symptoms in your pet—vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or seizures—it’s imperative to seek emergency veterinary care promptly. At Henderson Animal Hospital, our dedicated team offers emergency services to assist your pets in times of need. Keep in mind that swift action can make all the difference in preventing further harm. Your pet’s health and happiness matter, and we’re here to support you throughout the festive season and beyond.