Pet Surgery FAQs


Pet Surgery FAQs

If you are like most pet owners, you think of your pets as members of the family. This is why it can be so scary when your pet needs to have surgery. The best way to ease some of the anxiety about your pet’s upcoming surgery with Henderson Animal Hospital is to understand a bit more about pet surgery.

Q: What Is The Pre-Surgical Exam?

A: Before your pet can have surgery, our veterinarian will need to make sure that it is safe for them. Our vet will assess your pet’s medical history and their current physical condition to determine whether or not they will be safe while under anesthesia.

Q: What Is Pre-Surgical Blood Testing?

A: Before surgery, our veterinarian will run blood tests made sure that no changes need to be made in your pet’s surgical or anesthetic protocol. A simple blood test can tell your veterinarian a lot about your pet’s kidney function, clotting ability, and whether their white blood cell and red blood cell counts are normal. This information is essential before your pet goes in for surgery.

Q: How Can I Be Sure My Pet Will Be Safe Under Anesthesia?

A: As mentioned above, your pet will have an exam and blood tests before surgery to make sure that they are healthy enough for surgery. When your pet is under anesthesia, someone will be there to constantly monitor them to be sure that they remain stable while our veterinarian is performing the surgery. If your pet needs emergency care, there will be someone there to administer it.

Q: How Will My Pet's Pain Be Controlled?

A: Before your pet’s surgery, our veterinarian will give them pre-surgery pain medication along with a pre-surgery sedative. During the procedure, the person monitoring your pet’s health will also administer pain medication in the IV. When the procedure is complete, your pet will go home with oral pain medication.

Q: How Will I Care For My Pet After Surgery?

A: Your veterinarian will give you aftercare instructions before going home. The care that your pet will require depends on the procedure and the follow-up medications needed. When your pet gets home, they will still be groggy from the anesthesia. It is best to set up a bed in a quiet area so that your pet can rest. Everything else you need to know will be on your pet’s aftercare sheet.

Emergency Care In Winnipeg

If you have any questions regarding your pet’s surgery, our veterinarian at Henderson Animal Hospital in Winnipeg can help. When you contact our pet hospital, we will do our best to answer your questions and ease your mind a bit. When you come to our veterinary office for the surgery, you can be confident that your pet will be safe.